
Metafor vs comprehensive meta analysis
Metafor vs comprehensive meta analysis

metafor vs comprehensive meta analysis metafor vs comprehensive meta analysis

To assess the potential impact of publication bias CMA includes an array of functions including a funnel plot, where Revman includes only the funnel plot. Use meta-regression to assess the impact of continuous moderators (“Does the treatment effect increase with dosage?”). Use analysis of variance to compare the treatment effect across groups (“Is the treatment more effective for acute patients than for chronic patients?”). Advanced FunctionsĬMA allows you to assess the impact of moderator variables. CMA also allows one-click export to other programs such as PowerPoint™ and Word™.

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By contrast, CMA allows the user full control over all elements in the forest plot, will create scalable plots (that print at the highest resolution possible for the printer or journal), and allows the user to control the color for every element on the plot. The forest plot in Revman offers few options for customization.

metafor vs comprehensive meta analysis

CMA is able to create a customized, high-resolution forest plot. CMA also supports a much wider range of effect sizes than Revman. By contrast, with CMA you can enter data for each study in its own format, and use as many formats as needed in the same analysis. Equally important, Revman requires that data for all studies be entered using the same format. By contrast, CMA allows you to enter data in more than 100 formats, and will compute the effect size and variance for all of these formats. If any studies provide data in another format (such as odds ratio and confidence intervals) you would need to compute the effect sizes and variances manually for those studies. Revman will accept summary data in only two formats – events and sample size, or means and standard deviations. Or, if a study reports means and standard deviations you might compute the standardized mean difference. For example, if a study reports the number of events in each group you might compute the odds ratio. In every meta-analysis you start with the published summary data for each study and compute the treatment effect (or effect size). CMA will compute the effect sizes automatically. By contrast, the data entry process in Revman requires the user to set up tables and comparisons before starting data entry. The mechanics of data entry are much simpler in CMA – you work with a spreadsheet interface, and can copy-and paste-data as easily as you could in Excel.

Metafor vs comprehensive meta analysis